Islam means - self-surrender, obedience, obedience etc. Islam has come to human welfare and to release humanity. In Islam, there is a realistic solution to all the problems of human life.
Allah is the Creator of all things in the world. He is the eternal Allah of man. In La ilaha illallah, the word means that there is no lord but Allah. This was a call to all the Prophets from Adam. One of the words that everyone invites his people to say is, "O people, you shall not worship (anyone) except one Allah." This is Islam. The relationship between the Lord and the servant has been developed in this world cycle of the Great Allah through his creation.
Islam is the complete surrender of a servant to Allah. A Muslim is a slave who can surrender his will to Allah by giving up his will power. The correct deen is the provision of this relationship between the Lord and the servant. Deen means the rules, laws, rules and rules. In this world of Allah, life will be the only religion in Islam. Therefore, from the very beginning of creation, this law of Allah, Islam was issued. All those who believed in Islam were Muslim. And those who did not believe in Islam were all infidels. This provision will continue till the Day of Resurrection. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) said, "I have surrendered to the Lord of the worlds, Aslamtu li Rabbil Alamin." (Surat al-Baqara, 131) Peace in this world and in the Hereafter comes only by obeying this provision of Allah.
Father Adam (A:) is our original prophet sent by Allah. He is also a servant of God by nature. Allah has sent him with the Prophets. He is our first prophet. He invited his children to worship or serve only one Allah. Adam (a) is the founder of Islam. All the children who obeyed his invitation were Muslim or devoted servants. And those who disobeyed the call of Adam (peace be upon him) or the prophet sent by one God, all of them became involved in the opposite path of Islam or disbelief. They basically played the role of anti-prophet. They became part of the disbelievers. The prophets and messengers after Adam (peace be upon him) all had the same responsibility until the world prophet (peace be upon him).
For example; Noah (peace be upon him), Jacob (peace be upon him), Joseph (peace be upon him), Yunus (peace be upon him), Moses (peace be upon him), Abraham (peace be upon him), Jesus (peace be upon him) and all these prophets and messengers One has done the work of da'wah in the way of worshiping Allah or enslavement. Finally, Allah (swt) sent Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) as a prophet and messenger for all mankind and Khatamunnabiyyin. We are the followers of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Our duty is to follow this Prophet (peace be upon him) and worship one God. We have to keep our faith in all the previous prophets and obey Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). The prophecies and books of the previous prophets have become entangled between the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Qur'an. So there is no longer any opportunity to obey any previous prophet or book. We will all now follow the Qur'an, the way of life given by Allah and shown by the Prophet (peace be upon him). This is Islam.
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Source : Islam religion - Islam Live 24
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