Humanity In Quran
Humanity In Quran
Islam is the religion of humanity. The advent of Islam is for the welfare of humanity. Islam is the religion of peace, Islam is the religion of welfare. Islam is the only religion for the good of humanity on earth. Islam is the only religion in the world where the welfare of humanity has been so seriously considered.
Islam is the only religion in the world that is the best for the welfare of humanity. There is no religion in the world other than Islam where the welfare of humanity is considered so important.
Allah says: You are the best nation. You were created for the benefit of mankind (Surah Al 'Imran: 110).
Allah Almighty has made fasting in Ramadan obligatory to share in the sufferings of the people.
He has made obligatory Zakat and Sadaqatul Fitr obligatory to alleviate the suffering of the poor.
Allah says-
The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a seed which produces seven ears, a hundred grains in each ear. Allah multiplies whomever He wills. Allah is omnipresent, omnipresent, omniscient
Allah further says -
And in their wealth is the right of the beggar and the deprived (Surah Jariyat-19).
Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) was the epitome of kindness and generosity. Khaybar was conquered in the sixth Hijri. In the ninth Hijri when the Arabian Peninsula was loyal to the Muslims. Our Prophet is the ruler of a vast kingdom. To be around when huge resources were being sent. Then he spent everything patiently. According to the narration of Hazrat Ayesha (RA), the Prophet (SAW) abandoned this world in such a way that his family could not eat barley bread on their stomachs for two consecutive days.
The easiest and shortest way to attain Allah's mercy, blessings and rewards is to extend the hand of goodness and benefit towards Allah's creation, especially towards human beings.
Unimaginable rewards and dignity for all kinds of human service work have been described in innumerable hadiths.
The most beloved servant to Allah is the one who benefits man the most.
In another hadith it is narrated that it is narrated from 'Abdullah bin' Umar. He said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim. No Muslim will oppress a Muslim, nor will he push him towards destruction. Whoever helps to make up for the lack of a Muslim brother, Allah will make up for his lack. Whoever alleviates the suffering of a Muslim brother, Allah will alleviate his suffering on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever conceals the faults of his Muslim brother, Allah will conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection.
(Sahih: Bukhari, Tirmidhi , Silsilatus Sahih )
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