Halal and Haram

Halal and Haram Two important issues in the Islamic Sharia are halal and haram. Allah has made things halal for His servants, which is not permissible to abandon, and forbids some things. These things are clearly stated in all the heavenly books of the world. Halal in life - Worship is practiced in accordance with the law of haram. Great Allah says, "O human beings! Eat whatever is lawful and good in the earth." [Al-Baqarah 168] Two important issues in Islamic Sharia are halal and haram. These things are clearly described in all the heavenly texts of the world . Only Allah has the right to determine what is halal and what is haram, so worship is to lead one's life according to the rules of halal and haram. Halal: The word halal means lawful, useful and beneficial objects and deeds. All those deeds and objects which are beneficial and beneficial for some people have been made lawful by Allah Almighty for the pure people. Such as: prayers, fasting, Hajj, Zakat , ...